The Cross Baitoa

The Cross Baitoa

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

La misionera nueva

I would like to introduce you to la misionera nueva.... I here that phrase quite a bit as I am still meeting the pastors and team members at our 4 churches and 2 education centers and other random folks thrown in here and there. I have to admit that every time, it really does catch me off guard. Excuse me, are you referring to me, I want to ask, or sometimes there is that awkward pause before I realize, oops, they are talking about me. I am the new missionary. Wow, really, Lord when did this happen. A missionary... yes, I guess that is what I am. I wish I could say that I'm one of the ones who was mission minded since age 3 or 4, but that's not my testimony.

I really think it came down to availability. Sometimes we reach a point in life, where we decide to let go of our plans for the future, how we thought our life should unfold, the things we held important, and to completely surrender to the Heavenly Father.  Basically, we decide to make ourselves fully available to God, no strings or conditions attached. At that point of surrender, God, can set you on the path that he has planned for each of us. I have to admit, that can be a scary place to be, because it forces us to really trust God. Not to just give lip service about trusting God, but to 100% trust his promises. After much tripping and stumbling and sometimes just falling flat on my face, I would like to think that I have this trust thing down packed 100% of the time. That's not the case, but I'm so grateful that yesterday when I needed to be reminded of how trustworthy God is, he encouraged me through someone else's testimony and reminded me to "concentrate on what God wants me to do now, and to leave the future in hands that are more capable than mine: God's hands."

Psalm 16:11  "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

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