The Cross Baitoa

The Cross Baitoa

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

It's Good Friday! I like the way it's phrased in Spanish much better, Viernes Santo. Good has never been the right word to describe today. Santo, Holy, yes, that fits the day. Even the nightly merengue blasting from the speakers are absent today. Viernes Santo, yes it is a holy day.  I spent half of the day taking a bus trip back from the northern border of the country, allowing for a lot of time to think. Good Friday, Christ died, punished, crucified, paying a debt that he did not owe, allowing himself to be uncomfortable, enduring pain to bring change, love, and HOPE to the world.

I've felt really easily overwhelmed lately. You know, simple, small decisions... or maybe not so small ... what to do with my life next? Should I go here? or there?  Should I hang out with this group?  Will they like me? What to wear today? Should I relax my hair or keep it kinky?? Little stuff and big stuff has felt really stressful and it all led to a big old pow-wow, a couple of days ago. Not pretty, I tell you.

You see, it's hard stepping out into the unfamiliar. We crave comfort. The comfort of people we know. Surroundings that are familiar. Routines that are known. Habits and customs that are understood. I sort of  feel like I'm getting my bearings on some of those things, BUT I can feel the ground beneath me shaking. What!! More unfamiliar territory. What!!  New people. What!! More change.

Just when I'm at the point of wanting to resist. Wanting to cave and go for the comfort zone, I'm reminded of Calvary. My Savior didn't cave, he agonized, he pleaded, yet he surrendered his will completely, totally to the will of the Father. His Love for me, kept him on the cross. Change, it's coming, but I'm figuring out how to be ok with it. I know it will be for My joy and for HIS glory!

"For nails would not have held God-and-Man fast to the Cross, had Love not held him there"  St. Catherine of Sienna

ps: artwork courtesy of my kindergarten babies!

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