I’m thankful for this 9months. I can’t believe how swiftly it has flown by. It’s been amazing, rewarding, strengthening and purifying. It’s also been hard. Lonely at times. Challenging. That’s what happens when you step out on faith. The road is not always smooth, but you always finish the journey having grown in ways that you didn’t sign up for. Seriously.
I leave tomorrow for a couple of days in Santo Domingo. I’m excited to see the capital city and the southern part of the country. I’m excited to meet some folks who I most likely will be spending alot of time with in August. Yep, it seems that the Lord has me on this island for a little while longer. And that’s a good thing. I’m excited to be able to continue to serve here. I don’t know about you, but for me, anytime when I think about launching out into a new direction, a new assignment, DOUBT, creeps in. big time.
Like the disciples in Matthew 8, I'm so prone to forget that I'm not on the ship by myself. I'm not journeying alone. I have a heavenly father, who is Super-Capable, can not fail, who is with me. I have no need to be afraid or worried. I was looking for devotionals on this topic and ran across Renee Swope’s 7 day doubt diet/devotional. It’s free on itunes/ilibrary, nook, kindle, etc. Maybe doubt is keeping you from making that tough leap, from starting a new job, getting involved in a new area of ministry, etc, etc. As Renee says, maybe it’s fear or worry that you have blamed all these years, when at the core, it’s self-doubt. ........ I double dare you to join me in this 7 days of digging into the Word of God to see what He says about having a confident heart in Him.
Prayer Excerpt from day 1 of Renee Swope’s devotional 7-Day Doubt Diet
{Lord, I want to become a woman with a confident heart in Christ. Show me how to recognize when I’m tempted to throw away my confidence, and help me throw away my insecurity instead. ... ... When doubt or insecurity tells me I can’t do something, I will remember that all things are possible to her (him) who believes. In Jesus name, Amen. }